The Hijab Islamic Code of Dressing

Every culture and religion is known by the customs they obey, and the rituals they follow. These are not only for one or two people, but for a whole community. The hijab is one of the old rituals, which is followed all over the world, no matter the Muslim community lives in an Islam country or the European, or any other, similarly, when the English people, don’t change their way of dressing. 

The Islamic females obey the hijab custom and are therefore easily distinguished from the English girls. The girl wearing hijab, don’t need to express that which religion she follows, it is just the way it. Her hijab is a clean and pure signal that she is a Muslim soul. The hijab is a head scarf which covers the face of the female, and makes it look simple. 

The neck is also covered, and there is huge dress for the body. The hijab body dress is designed in a free style in order to have a very lose fitting and look. This does not allows the body shape of the female to be prominent and, attracts other males and keeps women safe.

Sources: brandsoutfit
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